Dear AZETA Toyotoshi

Thank you for contacting the Green Map System. We appreciate your

interest in our Youth Green Map System programs and materials.

We would be happy to work with you to establish a green map project

for your students. If you have not already done so, we invite you to

examine resources that we have already posted on our website

( You will find a good range of resources

that are free to download for use in your classroom, as well as views

of completed youth-made green maps.

We encourage every Green Mapmaker to officially register their

project with the Green Map System (US $30 fee- negotiable), at which

time we will place information about your project and email links to

you on our website. Please fill out the form below and email it back

to GMS. Include a brief paragraph about your project's goals, themes,

methodology and expected outcomes. Information provided by new

Mapmakers has inspired many other Green Map projects to get started!

As you may know, all Green Maps are locally created and use a

selection of our globally designed Icons to indicate the places where

the natural and cultural environments interconnect. In our office, we

have copies of our stand-alone poster of Green Map Icons that we make

available to all schools, registered or not. Once registered we can

also provide you with a disk containing about 20 youth resources and

activities, copies of our draft Youth Guide to Green Mapmaking and

articles written about our program. We can even provide copies of the

first youth-made Green Maps!! Please let us know what you need.

Many of the best ideas about utilizing the resources and materials of

the Green Map System have been developed and documented in the

classroom. Therefore, we are asking teachers and youth group leaders

to send us information about their map project. We ask you to briefly

survey the students before and after the project, so that we can

ascertain the quality of the project and its impact on students'

views of their community. We will provide the survey, which should be

returned to us, along with ideas and green mapmaking methodologies

you have developed (we can reimburse your postage, if necessary).

This information will be shared with other youth mapmakers in our

expanding global network. We will also try to connect you with the

citywide or regional Green Map projects underway in your area, if

they exist.

After you have consulted our website, we invite you to contact us

with any questions or concerns. We look forward to receiving your

registration, and later on, copies of the resulting Green Maps.

Best wishes,

Wendy Brawer, director

Bob Zuber, education and development

We look forward to seeing your Green Map and learning more about how

you plan to create it. Please answer all the questions below and

return it to us by emai (or snailmail with your fee to (email: or Green Map System, 157 Ludlow St. NYC 10002) to

register your Green Map as an official part of our global youth


REGISTRATION: PLEASE email back. It can be mailed or faxed, if necessary!

Your Name

School or Club Name

Complete Address




Do you have a website? What is the URL?

Is your area urban / suburban / rural?

Area(s) to be Green Mapped (please be as specific as possible):

How many maps will be created? one / up to five / up to twelve / more / unsure

Planned map formats: printed / web-based / one big map / kiosk /

other (describe)

Do you have a target completion date? If yes, when?

Is the project being undertaken as part of an environmental club

(extra-curricular) activity or is it a class activity? How much class

time (weeks/semesters) will you set aside for the project?

How many teachers and students are participating?

What are the ages/grade levels of the participating students?

Will you have your students fill out our pre- and post- project survey?

Will your class use a computer for this project?

Will you need a digital (Disk) copy of the Green Map Icon font?

If so, which format? PC / Mac

Which materials do you plan to use from the Green Map System website?

Are students using the internet to view our website and other sites

to enhance their ecological understanding?

Will students write narrative descriptions of each site investigated?

Will students interview members of the community to help locate

important sites and improve general map content?

Will students visually document the area (drawings, photos, other)?

Please add a brief paragraph about your project's goals, themes,

methodology and expected outcomes.

Many thanks! If you have any questions about GMS or green mapmaking,

please let us know.